Friday, November 29, 2019


O zi intreaga a invatat, de 20 de ani vine la biserica, canta in cor, au Biblia, o tine in casa, si acuma cand vin examenele Tu stai la o parte. I could believe over the tops of my sins, but sometimes I can scarcely believe over the tops of my prayers—for oh! I joins religious education and motivation a fun family game. It is well, especially after a foul sin, that the Christian should well probe the wound. Aurel Gheorghe — Prima parte a Necazului cel mare. fratii ursan colinde

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In his long career as an evangelist, he has spoken to millions and been an advisor to US presidents.

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He wants God to appear and give an account of what He is doing. Therefore the proper response to suffering we cannot fathom is faith and perseverance; the response to avoid bitterness for it is the godless who harbor resentment, Why pick on me?

After being taken down twice by Blogger within a single week, we got the message: Ca stiu ca Dumnezeu ma iubeste. He does care for his people.

Iubirea eterna, cinta Paradis

Free online Bible Commentaries. He is so sure of his case that he wishes he could find someone to arbitrate between himself and God 9: Originile problemelor din Orientul Mijlociu. What do you need.

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Venim aici ca sa fim lumini in intuneric. Ye have sinned, I am sure, enough to give good ground for self-suspicion, if ye did not still hang on this; that his love to you, not your love to him, is the seal of your discipleship. Din neam in neam si din generatie in generatie. He begs God to back off, to let him die; his days have no meaning.

A page for describing Awesome: Codreanu — de Nicolae.

Biserica Betel - Sarbi

East AfricaEgyptLibyaproselityzing punishable by death in LibyaSouth Africavoice of the martyrs Four foreign Christian workers in Libya have been arrested on suspicion of spreading Christianity and giving out Christian literature in Benghazi. Ca daca ai venit dupa mine, e mai mult decat orice. Oriunde te afli azi, adu-ti aminte de Dumnezeul ei si fa-L si Dumnezeul Tau. I would that some here whom God has gifted, and who have time, would spend their afternoons in taking a class of those who live around them, of their younger brethren, asking them to their houses for prayer and pious instruction, that so the lambs of the flock may be fed.

The burden of the passage is this: Uneori examenele pe care le dam, cel rau ii spune lui Dumnezeu: Aurel Gheorghe — Semnele vremurilor — aprilieactualizare. Un om care tine la rugaciune in fiecare zi va cauta, in cercul in care sta de vorba, pe Dumnezeu. Do all you can to your very utmost; serve him abundantly; ay, and superabundantly: Though he see not his signs, though he walk in darkness and there be no light, still may he trust in the Lord, and stay upon his God;—but to be certain at all times that we love the Lord is quite another matter; about this we have need continually to question ourselves, and most scrupulously to examine both the nature and the extent of our evidences.

Have I not wasted many hours within this week that I might have spent in winning souls to him?

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Vezi la minutul 26 din video, 10 FebruarieBiserica Metanoia Livestream: We must let our works evidence the sincerity of our love to our Master. Faith in Our Awesome God.? Nu vreau sa va spun ca daca va intoarceti la Hristos, deodata in viata voastra se face o liniste deplina. You are always the readiest to find fault.

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If our Saviour were no more than a man like ourselves, he might often doubt whether we love him at all.

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